News from Your Elmwood Park IL Dentists
At New England Dental Group, home to top Elmwood Park IL dentists, we believe in creating a relationship with our patients that goes beyond the office doors. We've specially created this section of our site to share with you important news from our Elmwood Park family dental practice.
Dr. Kenneth Chae
Your Elmwood Park Cosmetic Dentist
Dear patients,
Due to extreme weather we will be closed Wednesday January 30th. We will resume Thusday Feb 1st at noon.
We hope everyone stays warm.
-New England Dental Group
We are pleased to introduce Dr. Eunhee Choi, DDS to our office. Prior to joining our group, she worked for 15 years in Schaumburg area, and comes well regarded by her patients. Read more about her in "Meet Our Doctors".

Visit our new Facebook page at and "like" us to be included in monthly drawing for custom bleaching trays (Reg.$299).
You will also get office updates, interesting dental news and facts and even funny jokes and trivia.